The Curious Bug Safari

The Curious Bug Safari is a collection of stories, songs and facts about insects and their relationships with humans from all around the world. The ‘magic peach’ (and the kids’ imaginations) is what allows us to ‘travel’ around the world on our global bug safari, and the children choose where we go next. It is a combination of entertainment and education, bringing insects to life for the audience. The show hopes to change peoples’ attitudes to insects, opening their eyes to the vital contributions the many species make to our existence and to their extraordinary diversity.
The show involves a cast of 3; Old Green Grasshopper, Miss Spider and Lady Bird. Grasshopper is also accompanied by his old, blind (puppet) friend Earthworm. It is performed in front of a giant, inflatable peach and can accommodate up to 150 guests per performance, sitting on the floor or standing around us.
To support the insect theme, the safari can offer craft workshops between shows in which the children will be guided through the making of some wearable pieces including wings and antennae.
We are also thrilled to announce that we can now offer live insect handling sessions.