Motorbike Stunt Show

The Steve Colley show incorporates a purpose built mobile stunt display unit that is quick to assemble and dismantle. The show also incorporates full commentary via a helmet microphone and we provide the speakers and generator etc. The show can be tailored to fit into your timetable and can last up to 35 minutes – depending on your requirements and performed up to three times a day.
Whilst it is preferred to have a static arena, we are able to set up and dismantle in less than 10 minutes. The show consist of a full range of freestyle tricks, spectacular stunts, 7ft vertical step, mono bike (the only trials rider in the world to master this stunt), jumps and drops etc all combined with full commentary from Steve himself whilst carrying out the stunts! The show leaves the audience in disbelief at what they have witnessed.
Whilst we have a purpose built rig, if required Steve can also incorporate other obstacles into his show including cars, skips, diggers, natural landscape etc – anything is possible!