Mutha Truckers

Larger than life Female Truckers who give good interactive, family fun.
Pull into the crawler lane Eddie Stobart and best hide your Yorkie bar, our heroines of haulage are gonna knock it up a gear, blow your doors off and kick you to the curb! This sure ain’t the school run, they are tough girls in a mans world. They exist in an exciting and adventurous whirlwind of CB Radio jive, line dancin’ and rip roaring truckin’ songs.
These sassy wide loaders have a beau in every Services but being ladies they never let them South of Mimms! Mutha truckers don’t give a rubber duck … they’ve got a bear on their tail, a payload of dreams and they’re headed for a full service at Knutsford (city limits).
With a road trip soundtrack track mix and, of course, our larger than life saucy yet family friendly, good ol’ fat bottomed girls give good truck chat and gggrrreat airhorn!
Hold onto your hats for a new kind of convoy! The Mutha Truckers are headin’ into your town.