The Lightwalkers are an uplifting magical celebration of light and artistry, a visual spectacular that instantly fashion a special kind of wonder and excitement for audiences of all ages.
As a walkabout they can enhance any event by using their colours to match a chosen theme or logo, or simply leading processions, lighting up spaces and changing focus with their rainbow spectrum of illuminations.As a focused show they will mesmerise their audience with simple, starkly beautiful images in a multicolour swirl of costume and light.
From atop their stilts, five ghostly silhouettes appear on the promenade and present to the public a moment full of grace and poetry. Stripped of all artifice, An Act Above offers an instant of peace, imbued with a soft and dreamlike atmosphere. We gladly accept their invitation without really knowing where it will lead. Caught by these luminous and aerial beings, the call to the unknown is stronger than anything.” Review from Fish and Chips Festival, France