Epico The Dragon

Inside every child is a hero, awaiting the call to action to pull them from the ordinary world and into the Heroes Journey. Played in the round for thirty minutes, from a 10m square arena, three times daily, for audiences of up to a thousand people per show. Epico the dragon parts the mists of time, inviting the audience to the Land of Adventure for non-stop family fun!
Housewives favourite Sir Aurelious Jones and his goblin servant, whip the crowd into a frenzy. A Hero chosen from the audience must master three tests to win the Silver Breastplate, before embarking on a quest to find and tame the beast. In the Dragon’s Lair, our Hero must face their fear to rescue Sir Aurelious from certain death!
The show puts children in “the position of expert,” in order to teach Aurelious the importance and values of friendship. Having saved both Aurelious’s life and his friendship with Epico, the child is knighted before leaving the Heroic World transformed.